About Brand

The "About Brand" section of your Brandbook is a pivotal component that serves as the gateway to your brand’s identity.


The "About Brand" section of your Brandbook is a pivotal component that serves as the gateway to your brand’s identity. It offers a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of who you are, what you stand for, and what makes your brand unique. This section is not just a formality; it's a strategic asset that sets the tone for all brand communications and interactions. In this guide, we’ll explore why the "About Brand" section is crucial, how to craft a compelling and impactful brand overview, and how it influences other fields and future auto-generations within your brandbook.

Why the "About Brand" Section is Important

The "About Brand" section plays a critical role in various aspects of your brand's operations and perception:

  1. First Impressions Matter:
    • Stakeholder Engagement: This section is often the first thing potential customers, partners, and investors read about your brand. It shapes their initial impression and sets expectations.
    • Internal Alignment: It provides clarity and direction for your internal team, ensuring everyone is aligned with the brand’s mission, values, and goals.
  2. Foundation of Brand Identity:
    • Consistency: A well-defined brand overview ensures consistency in messaging across all platforms and communications.
    • Differentiation: It highlights what sets your brand apart from competitors, helping you stand out in a crowded market.
  3. Building Trust and Credibility:
    • Transparency: By clearly articulating your brand’s purpose and values, you build trust with your audience.
    • Authenticity: A genuine and transparent overview fosters a deeper connection with your stakeholders.

How to Execute the "About Brand" Section

Crafting an effective "About Brand" section involves a blend of strategic thinking and creative storytelling. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a compelling brand overview:

  1. Start with the Basics:
    • Who Are You? Provide a clear and concise description of your brand. Mention the name, what you do, and the industry you operate in.
    • Example: "Planbrand is a digital platform that empowers businesses with tools for brand management and growth."
  2. Highlight Your Unique Aspects:
    • What Makes You Unique? Identify and emphasize the unique aspects of your brand that differentiate you from competitors.
    • Example: "Our user-friendly interface and comprehensive analytics tools set us apart in the brand management industry."
  3. Align with Your Mission and Vision:
    • Why Do You Exist? Clearly state your brand’s mission and vision. This helps convey your long-term goals and the impact you aim to create.
    • Example: "To empower businesses with the tools and knowledge to create impactful brands, with a vision to be the leading platform for brand creation and management."
  4. Communicate Your Values:
    • What Do You Stand For? List your core values and explain how they influence your brand’s operations and decisions.
    • Example: "We value innovation, integrity, and a customer-centric approach, ensuring we deliver the best possible experience to our users."
  5. Make It Engaging:
    • Use Clear and Engaging Language: Avoid jargon and overly complex language. Aim for clarity and simplicity while keeping the narrative engaging.
    • Example: "At Planbrand, we believe that effective branding should be accessible to all businesses, regardless of size. Our platform is designed to be intuitive and powerful, providing the tools you need to tell your brand’s story."

Examples from Global Well-Known Ethical Brands

To illustrate the importance and execution of an "About Brand" section, here are examples from globally recognized ethical brands:

  1. Patagonia
    • Overview: "Patagonia is an outdoor apparel company committed to building the best product while causing no unnecessary harm. We use our business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis."
    • Importance: This overview highlights Patagonia's commitment to quality, environmental responsibility, and advocacy for environmental solutions, setting a strong ethical tone for the brand.
    • Checklist:
      • Emphasizes commitment to quality and sustainability.
      • Uses straightforward language to convey purpose.
      • Aligns with the brand's actions and products.
  2. The Body Shop
    • Overview: "The Body Shop is a global beauty brand dedicated to enriching people's lives with naturally-inspired products that are ethically sourced and cruelty-free. Our mission is to fight for a fairer, more beautiful world."
    • Importance: This overview underscores The Body Shop’s dedication to ethical sourcing, cruelty-free products, and social activism, aligning the brand with values-driven consumers.
    • Checklist:
      • Clearly states the ethical sourcing and cruelty-free commitment.
      • Communicates a mission of activism and social responsibility.
      • Reflects the brand’s product focus and ethical stance.
  3. Ben & Jerry’s
    • Overview: "Ben & Jerry’s is an American ice cream company known for its creative flavors and commitment to social and environmental causes. We aim to make the best possible ice cream in the nicest way possible."
    • Importance: This overview highlights Ben & Jerry’s blend of product innovation with social activism, emphasizing their commitment to quality and ethical practices.
    • Checklist:
      • Balances the product’s creativity and quality with ethical commitments.
      • Uses engaging language to reflect the brand’s personality.
      • Aligns with the brand’s long-standing social and environmental initiatives.

Future Influences and Auto-Generation

The "About Brand" section is foundational and will influence several other fields and future auto-generations within your brandbook:

  1. Mission and Vision Statements:
    • Influence: The mission and vision articulated in the "About Brand" section will be reiterated in more detailed sections dedicated to these statements. They will guide strategic planning and goal-setting across the brandbook.
    • Auto-Generation: Information from this section will be automatically referenced in sections discussing long-term goals and strategic initiatives.
  2. Brand Values and Culture:
    • Influence: Core values outlined in the "About Brand" section will shape the culture and ethical standards described in later sections. This alignment ensures consistency in how the brand's principles are communicated.
    • Auto-Generation: Core values will be automatically incorporated into sections on employee engagement, customer service philosophy, and corporate social responsibility.
  3. Marketing and Communication Strategies:
    • Influence: The brand overview helps define the tone, style, and messaging used in marketing and communication strategies. It provides a cohesive narrative that supports all brand communications.
    • Auto-Generation: Key messages and unique selling propositions will be drawn from the "About Brand" section to ensure consistent and impactful marketing content.
  4. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Influence: The clarity and transparency provided by the "About Brand" section build trust with stakeholders, including customers, partners, and investors. It sets the foundation for all stakeholder communications.
    • Auto-Generation: Elements from this section will be utilized in crafting stakeholder reports, investor presentations, and partnership proposals.
  5. Website and Social Media Content:
    • Influence: The brand overview provides essential content for the "About Us" page on your website and social media profiles. It ensures a consistent and compelling narrative across digital platforms.
    • Auto-Generation: Content for digital platforms will be automatically populated with information from the "About Brand" section, maintaining a unified brand voice online.
  6. Training and Onboarding:
    • Influence: New employees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the brand’s purpose, values, and mission through the "About Brand" section, fostering a strong organizational culture from the start.
    • Auto-Generation: Training materials and onboarding documents will include excerpts from the "About Brand" section to ensure new hires are aligned with the brand’s identity and goals.


The "About Brand" section is more than just a brief description; it's a strategic tool that lays the foundation for your brand's identity and future communications. By crafting a compelling and clear brand overview, you ensure that all aspects of your brandbook are consistent and aligned with your core values and mission. This section will influence various other fields and auto-generations, making it a critical component of your brand’s long-term success.




Brand tagline

Based in CIty

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Brand name

Brand Operating System (BOS 1.0)